Acupressure Points That Help to Start Labor Naturally

Once a woman has had a detailed conversation with her doctor or midwife about labor induction, she may consider acupressure, an ancient Chinese medicine that has been used for centuries as a more natural means of inducing labor. “There are over three hundred regular points that are used in acupressure,” says Melissa B. Light, MSOM, TxLAc, in Austin, Texas. “Some of these points are considered ‘forbidden in pregnancy,’ or FIP, because they stimulate contractions, descend energy and help stop pain.” And how long does it take to induce labor with acupressure? Light says, “It can take from one needle on one point to stimulate contractions to up to three complete treatments to get contractions regulated.”

Spleen-6 (SP-6)

Located about four finger widths above the ankle on the inside of the leg, SP-6 is used to encourage contractions, stimulate the uterus and stop pain. “This acupressure point will often be tender, and after using it some women report feeling their cervix stretching and contractions strengthening,” says Debra Betts, RN, in “The Essential Guide to Acupuncture in Childbirth and Pregnancy.” SP-6 is FIP and should be avoided until the very end of pregnancy.

Large Intestine-4 (LI-4)

Located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger, LI-4 is used to encourage contractions and stop pain. “This acupressure point has a dull, achy feeling when located correctly,” says Betts. It is also considered FIP and must be be used only by pregnant women seeking labor induction.

Gallbladder-21 (GB-21)

Located in the middle of the upper back, GB-21 is used to descend energy and relax the mother. Betts says this point will “feel tender with a numbing/buzzing/warming sensation.” It is the third forbidden point in pregnancy and must be used only with caution.

Other Points

“In order to encourage labor to happen naturally,” Light says, “it is important to combine the FIP points with other points in order to encourage proper positioning of the fetus and relax the mother overall.” These points include Bladder-60 (BL-60), located in the ankle; Kidney-1 (KD-1), located in the middle of the bottom of the foot, and Liver-3 (LV-3), located on top of the foot between the big toe and first toe.

About this Author

Jordan Bucher started writing and editing in 1998. Her work has appeared in “Austin Woman Magazine,” “Michigan Chronicle,” “Food & Wine” online and syndicated newspapers nationwide. Bucher specializes in health, psychology & self-help, food, sports and women’s issues. She holds an Bachelor of Arts in English from Carleton College and a certificate from The University of Denver Publishing Institute.