About Salt Water Body Cleanse


A salt-water body cleanse is intended to be used as a natural detoxification tool. Typically followed for three to seven days, a salt water body cleanse is an inexpensive and natural alternative to taking commercial medications for digestive ailments. Conditions such as constipation, gas and bloating may all be relieved through a salt-water body cleanse.

Master Cleanse

A diet known as the Master Cleanse involves a three-day fast from solid foods while drinking mass quantities of a special lemon concoction also containing organic maple syrup and cayenne pepper. A salt-water body cleanse is conducted once each day for the three days to facilitate detoxification and weight loss. According to the Master Cleanse website, a salt-water cleanse involves mixing sea salt with water at room temperature. One to 2 tbsp. of organic sea salt is combined with 1L of water by shaking it in a closed drinking container. The solution is intended to be drunk all at once and not sipped slowly.

How It Works

The rich mineral content found in natural sea salts is what really assists the process. As the water and sea salt solution travels through the digestive tract, impurities are drawn out of the cells and flushed out of the body upon elimination. According to the website Detox Cleansing.net, the sea-salt mixture also replenishes natural electrolytes in the body that may need replacing.

What To Expect

According to the Master Cleanse website, you should expect three to seven bowel movements throughout the day. It should be noted that the first one is said to come almost immediately after consuming the solution because the body does not absorb it. This process is meant to remove waste that has been stored in the body for months and even years, according to the Master Cleanse website.


If you find the solution difficult to swallow, lemon juice may be added to disguise the taste. According to Detox Cleansing.net, a salt-water body cleanse is best performed upon awakening, ideally around 7 a.m.


Do not use iodized table salt in place of sea salt to perform a salt-water body cleanse. According to the Detox Cleansing website, a sea-salt body cleanse is not appropriate for everyone. If any conditions such as ulcers, digestive illnesses or cancer are present, a physician should be consulted before proceeding with a salt-water body cleanse.

About this Author

Pamela Gentry has been a full-time writer and title editor for Demand Studios for two years. Gentry also has current published work on: eHow, Associated Content, The Examiner, Helium and Your Healthy Day.Net.