About Natural Breast Enhancement


Breast enhancement surgery comprises a large portion of all cosmetic surgery procedures performed in the United States, although many people find the thought of surgery extremely unsettling. Natural breast enhancement is ideal for those uncomfortable with traditional surgical breast enlargement options. While there is little research available on whether natural breast enhancement is actually effective, there is evidence that it might work.

How It Works

Natural breast enhancement appears to work by encouraging the body to increase production of the sex hormone estrogen. An increase of estrogen within the body will often result in breast enlargement, and increased fat cell deposit in the hips, thighs and buttocks.


While there has been little scientific research into the efficacy of natural breast enhancement, there is evidence that it could possibly work. One study highlighted in “Obstetrics and Gynecology” found that some commercial breast enhancement products contain traces of Fusarium, which has been shown to enlarge the breasts of humans and other mammals.

Commonly Used Herbs

Herbs that are frequently mentioned in regard to natural breast enhancement are fenugreek, hops, saw palmetto, wild yam, chaste-tree berry and black cohosh. These herbs can be hormonally active. Of these breast enhancing herbs, hops appears most promising due to the more potent 8-prenylnaringenin, a phytoestrogen, that it contains.

Other Natural Breast Enhancement Techniques

Herbal concoctions are not the only non-surgical breast enhancement options available. Breast enhancement devices may also be used. These devices create a vacuum-effect on the breasts to promote gradual enlargement. The drawback to these devices is the uncomfortable duration of usage required to see lasting results. Breast massage is a more cost-effective breast enhancement technique that requires little more than 10 to 15 minutes per day. Breast massage improves lymph drainage within the breasts, improves the appearance of the breasts, and may facilitate noticeable enlargement when performed regularly.


There has been no substantial research done to ascertain the lasting effects of herbal use in natural breast enhancement. It is not known whether these supplements are safe for long-term use, if they interfere with fertility or whether they might increase the risk of hormonal disturbance. Breast massage is contraindicated for women with breast cancer or women with unidentified breast lumps, although regular breast massage may help women become more familiar with what is normal and abnormal for their breasts.

About this Author

Jessica Armento is a nurse, professional freelance writer and website developer. Her health and fitness-focused writing has been featured on many website and regional publications. She is working toward a Bachelor’s degree in liberal studies, with a concentration in journalism, at the University of Iowa.