When the Hubble telescope gives us all those wonderful, colorful images from space and space and space, and however far it goes out there,the obvious question that arises is,Is there anybody out there? I suppose since earliest times ancient humans have looked up and wondered and maybe thought, are there any others like us out there? They may have seen the odd shooting star and certainly comets. Some of these can be colorful, so they would have wondered more. Then one night something really extraordinary happened, when a light bigger and brighter than all the rest came slowly towards them and hovered before landing. Out of a door of this strange craft came people like themselves in shape, a bit thinner and dressed in white suits as clear as snow. These people decided to sit around the campfire saying it had been a long flight from their world and they came back for four successive nights.(Google: ‘Bill Gill. Papua sightings’, if you want evidence that this type of visit is possible ony 60 years ago. I knew a friend of Bill’s who verified this account for me, he himself a world authority on such sightings having witnessed for himself,Norman Crutwell. Google him also and you will see that in this contemporary time we have reports also.) Now getting back to the stone age! In that time they imparted knowledge they hoped would help you make your life better and they left as friends you hoped you would see again. Until that time you thought they were greater than you and so you put them in the category we today call Gods. The universe is so old that this sort of traveling and visit is a common occurrence with many different planets similar to our own having been visited. Why if you put all your faith in the Bible, dig a little deeper with an open mind to it being not only a holy book, the word of God so to speak, but also a wonderful recording of life on earth since Creation. Why it is full of family, adventure, marriage, settlement, drama, almost anything you want to find out about, including early visits from other dimensions.
You only have to read Matthew’s (28:2-4)account of the morning the women in Jesus life came to Simon of Cyrenes tomb where Jesus had been laid to find what we call angel waiting. But it is the description that makes this being supernatural, or from another world, in this case Heaven.
‘And behold, there was a great earthquake for an angel of the lord came down from heaven, and drawing near rolled back the stone and sat upon it . His countenance was like lightning and his raiment like snow. And for fear of him the guards were terrified and became like dead men…….’
And Luke goes on to say(Luke 24:3-5) ‘ ……behold, two men stood by them in dazzling raiment. They asked the women,’Why do you seek the living among the dead he is not here, but risen’ ‘
Luke also writes in the same chapter verse 8 ……’And they departed and fled from the tomb, for trembling and fear had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid.’
Now here is an account of people never seen before, but very confident in what they say regarding the fact that Jesus had risen, as if this was normal to them. Do you want to class this as ‘alien’ or like us and ‘friendly’? I know which title I would give them, and it is God’s messangers from another dimension, somewhere out there. So in answer to the question,’ Is anybody out there?’ There sure was then at the most important moment in the whole life of the one we worship today, Jesus. Do you need more proof than that?
There have been other recordings of such men in white in the Bible. For instance, before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, two men in white visited Lot and told him not to look back or he would be turned into a pillar of salt. His wife did and it happened to her. Warning of looking at a nuclear explosion that was about to happen. Such early accounts, in the most sellable book of all time, should be ample evidence that there are other people out there in the cosmos. We cannot dismiss the many accounts of people witnessing space travel craft in many colors and even having contact with the occupants. So yes, it is a claear answer. I believe most certainly aliens, if you have to call them that rather than friends, from the cosmos have been here before.
If you want the final stamp of approval for this title then I will tell you what happened to me. Take it or leave it, but I know to be the truth for which I would be prepared to swear on that book, the Bible, where these visits have been recorded. In 1994, I was walking by a freeway in Victoria, Australia, when to my utter amazement I saw a disc about half a kilometre away shaped like a bulging saucer, with at least six bright lights, white as snow as described in the Bible, shining in my eyes. I watched it for a minute until it turned on an angle of 45 degrees and flew away. My wife has this event recorded on the local television news, as well as an account of it on the program, ‘The Extraordinary’. Anyway she is an alien so what do you expect; she knew all about this visit!