Do Ufos Exist

I often reflect upon the who, what and why of the unidentified flying objects (UFOs).  I know that they exist because I have experienced a close encounter directly overhead as I stood in my back yard in North Hollywood, California.  I was very young then and excited about the idea of extraterrestrials visiting our planet.  Reading science fiction became my favorite past time.  My mother and I talked about them and she also became very interested and later had a close encounter herself.

Since as long as I can remember, I always loved to look at the stars in the sky.  I can remember my dad carrying me inside in his arms when we came home late at night.  I would be looking upward, seeing the star filled sky of the clear air of San Francisco, and ask him about it and he would reply it was “The Milky Way.”  I was so small then that my mind was confused about the name, because the only milk I was familiar with was in a glass or bowl of cereal at breakfast time.  This is normal for children under a certain age because they do not yet have enough life experience to relate to.  It is not until later, around ten, that they begin to develop clearer understanding of the abstract versus their physical experience.

Because my earthly life was less than ideal at the time of the close encounter, and because it continued in the far from ideal vein, I obsessed on the flying saucer phenomenon to the point that I blamed “them” the extraterrestrials for “ruining” my life.  Mathematician John Nash also had encounters within his mind with extraterrestrials and also blamed them for ruining his life.  I determined to put it all out of my mind and drew away from the UFO groups, stopped reading books about them, and tried to forget about them. 

It was many years later, after I had learned more about everything, astronomy and psychology, general science, and acquired more wisdom (experience plus knowledge equals wisdom) that I realized how I had confused my own life’s difficulties and subsequent emotional reactions with the objective reality of the unidentified flying object phenomenon.  During all that time I had taken detours into religion and mysticism.  Again, perhaps I was too young to delve into it all by myself.  I needed a mentor, either a young person my age to study and learn with, or an older person (earthly or spirit entity) to study and communicate with.  Alas, the subjects-religion, metaphysics, mediumship-were too deep and complex, and if there were any such mentors in my time and space, I did not meet them.  Thus, I ended up in a web of confusion. 

Perhaps now all the knowledge is coming together-they compare the human mind to the computer.  A computer has to use 1’s and 0’s to solve problems, it either is or is not, and can make comparisons at nearly the speed of light.  It has been suggested by theorists who investigate the brain’s function and structure, and who try to integrate all the conclusions with psychology (Freudian, Jungian) with the latest findings of astronomy, as revealed by the Hubble telescope and rocket voyages to close by planets, that the human brain might have something at its center that allows it to operate at the speed of light (inexplicable) so that our brains are always operating in the future.  In fact Einstein’s Theory of Relativity reveals that we live in two time worlds.  Light enters our retina and is relayed to the brain, is translated and we react to that information so that we are always behind the present reality.

I can explain John Nash’s seeing alien code hidden within the articles on the New York Times front page.  Our vision system of perceived object to brain is set up so that we will only be able to see what is occurring in the present conscious state.  This is necessary to protect us from confusing images.  For instance, driving on the freeway it would be dangerous to see other images from the subconscious superimposed on our visual field.  But during sleep and trance states, information that has been stored can surface.  I personally have had these transmissions of knowledge and images so strongly embedded in my mind from somewhere, that I could see it in front of me when dreaming or waking up.  Occasionally it can happen while a person is awake.  In the case of Nash, he was in a nonhazardous situation-reading the New York Times-and embedded transmissions surfaced so that he saw “code” within the real time print of the Times. 

This type of occurrence is, of course, subjective and to try and explain and or convince others who are not into the esoteric aspects of life is extremely difficult.  Understandably so.  I do not blame psychiatrists and scientists for disbelieving since there are so many uneducated, unreliable people reporting subjective experiences in the metaphysical world.  Deciding who is reliable, who is delusional, who is trying to gain recognition, either for ego or for publicity for a book or other published media, is very difficult. 

My general guide is to consider strongest the character and education of the person.  Following that guide, I might give credence to a farmer in Nebraska if people verify his/her character.  One of the reasons so many sightings are hard to substantiate is that they take place in the out of way places.  That makes sense, though, if you consider that the ETs are trying to not disrupt Earth life in general, like landing in the middle of Times Square.  On the other hand, many people have written books making all sorts of claims and I am suspicious that their intent is to garner publicity and money.  This is my own personal judgment standard, but I think most will agree character is how most of us judge others, including friends, and when making political choices for whom to vote, i.e., trust.

John Nash is undeniably well educated and of good character.  He was always short of money and survived financially on the good will of Princeton and his colleagues.  This is proof that he was considered trustworthy.  He eventually won the Nobel Peace Prize for his economics theory.  He obtained his Ph.D. by twenty-two years of age from Princeton, no doubt about his education and intelligence.  He has since recanted his earlier UFO statements-he did so when accepting the Nobel-perhaps because he really has been convinced it was “all in his mind,” but I suspect, like Galileo, it was easier to just agree with the majority and say, “You are right, I was wrong.”

I have been able to put more and more of the information together from my own experiences and others whom I trust, and have come to some conclusions.  I will write about other aspects and the conclusions I have reached in other articles.  I can address a few here.  One of the commonest questions is “Why don’t they help us?”  They have been studying Earth for a long time, and according to one of the original saucer contactees, Orfeo Angelucci, the extraterrestrials come from many “densities” of space and are not just one group/species.  They have a universal agreement to leave each planet to its evolution.  They can only interfere by turning “one hair at a time.”  There is evidence of their presence in the ancient Sumerian civilization.  The little statues of people looking upward, hands clasped in prayer, are found in a temple ziggurat. Many people believe that to be one of the first evidences of extraterrestrial presence.  I am sure they were behind the explosion of philosophical and mathematical thought that began in Greece with Socrates.  There are more evidences of them in South American plateaus where investigators have found circular markings embedded in the clay that they speculate could be evidence of UFO landings.

The other main area of the UFO phenomenon that needs to be considered is the character of the extraterrestrials.  As previously stated, the reasons behind their coming to Earth are too numerous to be discussed in one reflection.  Below is a list, but without explanations because of the lengthiness of the subject:

1) From where do they originate?  2) Why are they here?  3) Why do they want to attract our attention? 4) What are their intentions?  5) Why do they behave the way they do?  6) Why do they contact/reveal themselves to certain people in certain places?  7) Why do they not help us?  8) What do they look like, kind of creature are they? 9) What do they want? 10) Most important of all: what is their character?  How does their character/viewpoint compare to ours, what does it mean for us?

In conclusion, in my mind their viewpoint is of prime importance because when we understand that, we can then proceed to understand other questions, such as No. 7, why do they not help us.  As of now, I have several thoughts and conclusions about this.  I am in no way sure of which ones are right.

* Subjective 

*They are interested in our civilization for what they learn from us (yes learn-if they are from a very different planet and have a very different form, they probably would not have developed certain things, technology, methods and procedures.) They could possibly feel sympathetic; however, different species because of hormonal differences plus mortality, etc. might feel sympathetic to us because of empathy, while others with different physical systems might not because they do not feel or think like humans do.  Also, think how differently humans from different cultures, but the same species think. The Nazis scientists were human yet did not feel sympathy for other humans of a different religion.  Perhaps there is a wide variation in how members of the same alien species think, too.  People tend to lump all aliens together, just like when people refer to the Iraqis, the Americans-and lump them all together, yet there is no one mind of a country, but multitudinous minds.  How do aliens, how do humans, view, treat less evolved creatures?  Do they consider them a resource for food or clothing, medicinal needs and other things?

*There is speculation that religions have been instigated and or influenced by other worldly influences.  Possibly religious figures, prophets are benign manifestations of extraterrestrial influence.  There have also been harmful religions established on Earth.  Some of the harmful religions could have originated on Earth by rulers using them to control their subjects, and an alien intrusion could have worked with them.  The birth of religious saviors, as prophesied, is a very beneficial manifestation of help from a non Earthly source.  Whether God, or divinities of other religions, we can see that there is an intelligence that is attempting to guide and help the human species.  I personally believe that through different religions the extraterrestrials have been attempting to “turn one hair at a time.”  I do not think that the forces opposing them are “evil” ETs.  I think it is more likely human dynasties attempting to hold on to power and ensure themselves a protected situation when they reincarnate, if reincarnation is a fact.

*I am not sure whether reincarnation is an actuality but I think it is highly likely.  I cannot explore my reasons here, but in Ohaspe, by Joseph Newbrough, there are frequent references to highly developed humans such as Benjamin Franklin as being of “a high grade” and taken up to the higher realms, often referred to as the “etherean fields”.  If that is so, that could indicate the aliens looking over our planet for the very intelligent and of good moral character and “harvested” or taken to their place of existence.  That to me presents a problem:  if highly evolved human souls are taken to the aliens’ worlds, while it is good for them and the humans so raised up, the best are being taken from the Earth!  It is like culling the best of the herd.  Eventually the stock of the main herd is depleted.  Earth needs to keep its higher evolved souls-if this is indeed what is happening-not have the brightest taken away.  This is only speculation, but the Bible says “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”  We desperately need to solve the UFO mystery.

* Objective

*The feelings of the creature are not taken into consideration.  Decisions are made reflecting necessity, utility rather than “humanness”.  Example, a catastrophic event is coming, they know it.  Do not warn because there are too many of the Earth creatures in one place, they are replaceable, multiply rapidly.  It would therefore be beneficial for many of them to be lost to save natural resources, food and water supplies. 

* If the ET scientists have developed a superior DNA that, if inserted into certain humans, those who are helped to survive will result in an evolutionary step.  This is equivalent to the attitude of human animal researchers who do not have a subjective, empathetic connection to the animals they are experimenting on, but an objective, practical reason for experimenting on them.  In the long run they could be helping our evolution (which I think they are and have been doing) since humankind evolved from a chimpanzeelike species to homo sapiens.  They might consider the individual human of no consequence (lack of empathy); but mentally evolved humans, such as the great Greek thinkers and European mathematicians and physicists, perhaps were in some way protected and even “harvested” (taken to a higher realm) because they would be valuable additions to that particular alien culture.

I think all of these could quite possibly apply.  The universe is vast and to think that humankind is the only intelligent life in it is not a logical viewpoint.  To realize that in the vastness of space and time there are many kinds of intelligences living in diverse  environments is the inevitable conclusion.