Determining your IQ

One way of determining your I.Q. would be testing what you do and do not believe. Take for example, the benchmarks being given to the state of Oklahoma. Nothing is important except test scores in core subjects. Facts and figures only.

Using myself as an example, I do not test well except in essay type testing. I also abhor classrooms, 1950’s style personalities and teachers who should’ve been snipers. Some people miss their callings.

My IQ is 97.

I cannot read music, but I understand that I work with 4 strings on my violin. I know what sounds right. I know how to search for sounds and blend them.

I cannot do mechanical drawing, nor do I care to be an architect, though I find architecture fascinating. But I can, and if my landlord will agree, I will paint a scene from the Paris Pantheon on the side of my apartment building. (The chariot carrying the god and the horses wildly set-superb!)

Once upon a time in America, there was a scientist named Terman who did a study on exceptionally bright children. You see, it was once thought that really bright children were frail and sickly and Terman decided to study 1500 really bright children in America.

According to, the children even called themselves, “Termites”. Here is what the research provided:

“Life was not always rosy for the Termites, however. Terman was quite surprised to find that starting life with an enormous IQ was no guarantee of future success. While it was true most of his subjects went on to make substantial contributions to society, there were many who seemed to flounder as they reached adulthood. Some had trouble keeping a steady job, others were merely average at the jobs they had. The Termites’ intellectual prowess did not make them immune to mental illness, and a good percentage struggled with alcoholism. At least twenty-two of his subjects committed suicide. Terman searched his early data for clues that might explain why some of his children succeeded where others failed, but he was unable to find any reliable predictors. Furthermore, none of Terman’s subjects achieved the kind of fame or made the genius contributions that he had hoped they would. Terman was correct that precociously bright children grow up to be bright adults, but IQ is not necessarily the best measure of a person’s potential.”

What average people don’t care to understand, what they cannot fathom is, knowing alot doesn’t make a person ambitious. Sometimes, based on the individual’s principles, they might be a drunken underachiever.

Many times when a really bright child is born to “normal” people, they have to deal with envy and resentment. And because the really bright child is held to standards from hell, they will eventually break. Unless they are rendered retarded. And yes, it happens.

That’s where hick philosophy comes in. You know the schpiel about how very intelligent people all go insane or how genetic insanity is. Or how horny they are.

I am often amazed at what hell can be wreaked based on what the 110 IQ group believes.

If you read this just right, you could reduce it to a binomial.