Christmas 2009 Astronomy Gift Ideas for Adults

Buying gifts for the adult that is interested in astronomy can have some wide variance in terms of selections. Some adults are very much into astronomy and know a fair amount about the subject. They may have a certain amount of equipment that goes beyond the standard person who occasionally gazes into the sky. However, most individuals are not necessarily that savvy when it comes to looking into the sky. Plenty of individuals are interested in astronomy, but their interest is fairly casual and they are certainly not an expert on the subject. For those types of people, there may be a number of options that can aid the encouragement of their interest. Here are a few ideas on astronomy gift ideas for adults.


Some people are interested in astronomy, but they do not own a telescope. This can be a fun gift to get for the person who has always wanted to look at objects in space. Granted, this can be a pricey gift, so people have to be careful about busting their budget. In addition, buying a telescope can take a bit of research, as the technical specifications may be beyond the typical shopper. If people want to stick to a budget, they might think about buying a telescope on an auction site or purchasing a smaller telescope.


The adult that likes astronomy may appreciate a few books on the subject. This can include picture books, or volumes that are a bit more technical and information-based. Depending on the book, some of these might double as star charts or trackers that could be used during an evening of sky watching. Astronomy books also make nice coffee table books, particularly if they are up-to-date books of space photography.


Another good gift might be a promised trip to an observatory or space-based museum. Granted, this might be limited to certain geographical areas that have such facilities, but this can be a fun outing. It can also be a way for adults to share their interest with other people, particularly children who may be learning about some of the subjects in school.


Finally, a unique gift might be tuition to a local community college so that the adult can take some classes in astronomy. Adults are often busy with work and family, but sometimes they might be able to squeeze in a night class and really get into the subject of astronomy. If adults are interested in astronomy, people should look for gifts that develop that interest. Sometimes the gifts can help solidify an interest that has been there for a long time, but has never really come to fruition.