Social Science

Is Pyschology Scientific

Is psychology really scientific? Answering the question “Is Psychology Scientific?” requires an understanding of both what scientists have studied through science about the physiological functioning of the human brain as well as what psychologists observe through the study of behavioral…
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Characterizing Personality

The Utility of Traits in Explaining Personality Personality can be conceptualized in a number of ways. We think of personality in terms of an individual’s nonanatomical characteristics (e.g., relational patterns, emotionality, self-presentation), unconscious motives, unconscious childhood residuals, heritage, brain physiology,…
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Fearing Death

Death is a phenomenon of life itself, a part of life that comes to us all. All life goes through its own form of death. Why is it that life then fears its own demise or its death? To understand…
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Romantic Love

In his Symposium, Plato talks of soul mates. His myth is literal: we were once each attached to another, and split apart as punishment, the purpose of our lives is to reclaim our other halves. Yet this idea of perfect…
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