Social Science

Understanding Dreams

Before we try to understand our dreams, we need to have some dreams to work with. The two pillars of dreamwork are recalling and recording. There are a number of techniques for dream recall, some of them a bit extreme….
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Biography Abraham Maslow

Abraham Maslow was a famous psychologist who’s work on humanistic psychology has seen his fame spread to many humanity subjects like geography and demographics. He is primarily famous for his Hierarchy of Needs’. Abraham Harold Maslow was born on the…
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Aggression in Humans

Aggression is defined as an unprovoked offensive, attack, invasion, or the like on another person or party. Does aggression come naturally to human beings or is a product of their environment? All we seem to see on the news today…
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How Words Hurt

HOW WORDS HURT I’ve heard that “the pen is mightier than the sword,” but unkind words pierce the soul and leave scars upon the heart. We have all done it- spoken without thinking and hurt a person’s feelings. Many times…
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