How to let go of someone you Love
A smile with a thousand i love yous: There are times in each person’s life when they will have to give up on something they really want, and this is mine, not just something i want, but something i feel…
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A smile with a thousand i love yous: There are times in each person’s life when they will have to give up on something they really want, and this is mine, not just something i want, but something i feel…
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Situations continually arise in life which cause us significant amounts of pain. We have two distinct choices at these times which will ultimately affect both our emotional and physical well-being. Namely, do we cry, or do we hold back our…
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As a parent, knowing that your teenager is depressed can be a frightening experience and trying to help them can be equally frustrating. Adolescence is characterized by turbulence, especially in today’s society. Hormones, bodily changes, relationships with friends, romantic relationships,…
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Attitude is contagious- is yours worth catching? The vacuous nature of negativity is its impulsive desire to be all-consuming. Worst yet, it is able to destroy relationships and undermine values, self-esteem and integrity. Why is it that some people would…
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So you think it is unfair you have to go to work, take that bus and do those chores? Let it all go, and find peace through acceptance. Acceptance may be equated with contentment. Many spiritualities advocate pure happiness through…
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Self-hypnosisSelf hypnosis, or auto-hypnosis, is a method by which a direct path of communication can be established between the conscious and unconscious minds. That path can be used to reprogram the unconscious mind so as to conquer bad habits, learn…
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Everyone likes to feel good about themselves. Therefore most people strive to maintain positive ideas about who they are, what they enjoy doing, how they appear to others, what they stand for and what they look like. In more psychological…
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I am the kind of person who always goes on my instincts. From the minute I meet someone I form an opinion about them right away. Of course, this opinion gets adjusted accordingly, once I get to know someone a…
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No one, absolutely no one, likes to be on the receiving end of a complaint, a criticism, or a bad review. We all tremble when the finger of responsibility is pointed at us. This is easy enough to understand as…
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I believe that self-image is probably the most important concept in anyone’s life. The fact is that we do not live our lives according to who we are but according to who we think we are. We live according to…
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