Social Science

Archaeology and Lemuria

Archaeology and Lemuria The quest for lost continents has been going on for well over a century; in the last few decades there have been serious archaeological excavations to find these sunken lands beneath the waves. Whilst Atlantis is perhaps…
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Indiana Jones – No

Stating that Indiana Jones is bad for archaeology implies that archaeology is suffering because of the existence of the character, as if there are thousands of starving archaeologists out there, and the movie series is desensitizing the public to their…
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What Defines Civilization

‘Civilized’ is a word often used too loosely, as can any nation truly call itself civilized – if you dig deep enough under the surface. Powerful nations and states, throughout history, have revelled in the hubris of calling themselves civilized,…
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What is Stratigraphy

Stratigraphy is the study of the order and position of layers of archaeological remains. These layers are laid down in a sequence and this can provide important clues about the succession of events as they occurred at the site. This…
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