Social Science

Prison Overcrowding

Overcrowding is perhaps one of the biggest challenges facing the American prison system. This in itself creates a multitude of problems. For one, overcrowded conditions mean that there are fewer resources such as educational, vocational and rehabilitation programs available to…
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Fear of Death

Death is the inescapable consequence of mortal life. Fear is a primeval emotion, a defensive mechanism emanating from the primitive limbic system in the brain of all mammals and perhaps other animal forms as well. In humans, who over millions…
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Morality and the Law

Crime by definition harms society. When the definition is an apt description of the action, then there is no doubt that the individual bears responsibility, taking into account the afore-mentioned individuals soundness of mind. But what happens when society’s codes…
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How can we Save our Planet

What is it? A mystical name for a futuristic project leads by a polyhedral genius named Jacque Fresco. Who is this character? He’s a very interesting man: industrial designer, author, lecturer, futurist, inventor and obvious a social engineer that learns…
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How we think about Reality

Reality is a vast spectrum of perspectives that fan out through the various disciplines of science, philosophy and the Cognitive sciences; with perhaps the most easily understood schematic representations of awareness, adaptation and survival coming from psychology’s ‘Behaviorism’, a narrow…
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