Social Science


Synchronicity is a term first used by Carl Jung. He created it to name the unique phenomena of a coincidence between physical realty and events in the unconscious mind. I experienced one rather humorous example. It occurred in a workshop…
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Ideology is Theft – Yes

Not only is ideology used to manipulate people, it is one of the most efficient ways to do it. Ideology and religion have similar characteristics: they entrap their adherents to package deals of knowledge. Once they’ve concluded that the same…
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The Purpose of Sociology

Sociology is a vast area of study, with hundreds of officially recognized sub fields which examine human thought, actions, structures, and systems. Virtually every type and purpose of human thought and activity and action is studied in one field of…
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What is Synchronicity

Synchronicity is the recognition of the perfect love that is always working perfectly within your life, and within all of our lives. Everything happens, always connected together by this love. All is synchronic, and all is infinitely working together for…
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