Social Science


David Graeber argues for the development of a novel, or somewhat novel approach to Anarchist theory in his long pamphlet called Fragments of an Anarchist Anthropology.  Anthropologists, he notes, are the people who interact on a daily basis with contemporary…
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Cognitive and Evolutionary Schools of Thought

Both cognitive psychology theory and evolutionary psychology theory have their roots firmly ensconced in previously established schools of thought.   Cognitive Psychology  Although cognitive psychology and behaviorism have elemental similarities, cognitive psychology is significantly different on several points.  Cognitive psychology is…
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What is Forensic Anthropology

Forensic anthropology is mainly study of osteology, or study of the bones. It is a subfield of biological anthropology, where the focus is on borrowed techniques from skeletal biology and osteology that are applied to “forensic” or legal situations. In legal situations,…
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Anthropology and the Environment

Today there is a complex web of human activity, production, consumption, waste and a host of anthropogenic and natural environmental influences and consequences. There is no modeling or single disciplinary approach for environmental crisis that can even describe the complexity, let alone…
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