Social Science

Self Destructive Behaviors

As trite as it may sound, some people exhibit self destructive behavior because they have self destructive personalities. Many times a person who displays this kind of behavior has deeper emotional issues than others may realize. The parents that raised…
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Universal Language

In most science fiction shows and books there is only one language spoken per planet, or federation. Many wonder would this ever truly happen and why. Globalization will eventually result in a standardization of terms and a single unified language…
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Saxon Gold

Just an ordinary day:  July 5, 2009 must have seemed like another ordinary day to Terry Herbert, then 55 years of age and a resident of Burnford in Staffordshire, in the United Kingdom. Mr. Herbert, then unemployed from a coffin…
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Manic Episode

Mood Disorders-Manic Phase Bi-polar seems very misunderstood. Some without the disorder are frightened by the manic phase and some with the disorder enjoy the creative and energetic boost available during the phase. In other cases, some view the disorder as…
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