Social Science

Gender Differences

Are women and men different? Numerous books have explored the issue in the past. One of the most popular books was John Gray’s “Men Are From Mars and Women Are From Venus” and it addressed the different ways that men…
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First Americans

Terrific Teeth: Dental Evidence for the Peopling of the Americas Origins The existence of the Americas and the question concerning the origins of the native inhabitants remains a fervently debated subject in American archaeology. Since the discovery of the Americas…
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The Yanomami

The Yanomami live thousands of miles away from us and are a part of a completely different cultural society. They don’t live in a society like ours in which there has been such a rapid development in technology and constant…
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Origin of Man

Tracing the origins of man is a favorite activity among anthropologists and archaeologists. Although they have now found hundreds of fossils of our ancestors, they still argue over where the original home of the first hominids was actually located. Originally,…
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Who are the Intellectuals

Intellectual was first used as an adjective in the 14th century to mean basically mental pursuits. Now it has become a noun referring to a person “a: given to study, reflection, and speculation b: engaged in activity requiring the creative…
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