Social Science

Book Review Psychology Atman Wilber

TITLE: ‘The Atman Project: A Transpersonal View of Human Development’ by Ken WilberISBN: 0835-60730-5ISBN 13: 978-0835-60730-8 / 1–57062-5026Publisher: Quest Books / Shambhala Publications Inc. Ken Wilber makes it clear at the outset that he sees the aspect of human consciousness…
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Abnormal Psychology

Think you’re abnormal? Moreover is it good or bad to generally be abnormal? Abnormal simply means outside of the normal – that today mean individuals who have a behaviour which most others do not. It does all hang on how…
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Women and self Esteem

Being a woman in todays’ world is much like a salmon swimming upstream. We all search for ways to justify our self worth. The problem arises when we define our worth by societies’ standards, and in turn create that voice…
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Conjunction Fallacy

A logical fallacy is a mistake in a person’s reasoning. More specifically, the kind of explanation they are providing in support of their conclusion is flawed and will not work in either all or the vast majority of circumstances. In…
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