Social Science

Molestation Child

Molestation survivors are often haunted by the fact that they were betrayed and violated when they were most vulnerable. And the details of the assault itself replay in victims’ minds involuntarily. Being victimized when you are defenseless and totally dependent…
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The Cheating Tips

Tips for cheating in the class work is an other intelligence (bad english im german sry) some people who practiced the whole week and then write a work start to be nervous and sweating. This is called a blackout.we are…
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Dysgenics a serious Threat

Demographic studies indicate that since the advent of effective birth control, women with high IQs have been having fewer children than women with low IQs. Scientists, writers, and filmmakers have speculated that this trend could result in a gradual dumbing-down…
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About Gamblers Fallacy

Gambler’s fallacy is a psychological misinterpretation of how repeated random events work in real life. Although its application does not necessarily involve gambling, the term is drawn from the tendency in gambling to perceive winning or losing “streaks,” or to believe…
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Language – Language

All social beings need to communicate and use language, even if it’s a very basic language. Dogs communicate through many kinds of language, for instance. They bark, move, run, etc to show if they’re happy, hungry, sad, etc. That is…
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