Social Science
May 4, 2015
Physical Science, Social Science
Isotope analysis is a very active area of archaeological research, which can give insight into the geographic origin of artifacts and human remains, support studies into human diet and determine the age of sites. The technique provides a unique fingerprint…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Individuals often get wrapped up in the routines of their daily lives and often put their long term ambitions on the back burner. Even though the conscious mind sometimes forgets these desires, our subconscious has a way of reminding us…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Archaeology is no longer simply a matter of digging in the earth and retrieving relics and artifacts. It now involves many sciences, and each one contributes to completing the historic picture of the past. Archaeogenetics is the study of the…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
The word hypnosis, first coined by James Braid and implying that the subject goes into some kind of magical sleep whereby they will do as they are instructed, gives an very inaccurate description of what hypnosis actually is. The subject…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Archeology is defined as the branch of anthropology that studies prehistoric people and their cultures. This is often done through excavation of important areas in ancient civilizations. Urban archaeology is a sub discipline of archaeology. This discipline specializes in the…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Death and our fear of strange and change . Death is the last unknown. As such, it leaves us wondering what will happen to our conscious essence when we die. We fear the unknown as it is both change and…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Among the many questions future palynologists may ask each spring is what happens to the yellow pollen that is seen on cars, plants and is being breathed in? Thanks to earlier scientists that question can now be answered. In 1640, pollen fossils were…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Dendrochronology is a type of tree ring dating that is done by evaluating the patterns of rings on a tree trunk. These rings, known as growth rings occur as a tree grows and matures. A ring is added each year…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
The answer as to why women laugh more than men has eluded more than a few thinkers of their times, such as Plato and Aristotle. In his book ‘Laughter’ written in 2000, Professor Robert Provine reports statistics that indicate that…
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May 4, 2015
Social Science
Like other forms of development, sexual development begins at a young age. This is the theory argued by psychotherapists namely Sigmund Freud. This was partially highlighted in his study of ‘Little Hans’. Freud noted five main stages of what is…
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