Social Science

Biopsychology what is Biopsychology

Biological psychology is the study of behavior using a biological approach. Biopsychology is a term used for neuroscientists who study behavior by studying the underlying biological processes of the brain. There are several divisions of biopsychology and neuroscientists specialize in…
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Psychology of Body Language

Your brain not only controls your thoughts, but is also responsible for all the physical actions of your body. This connection with the brain allows you to express thoughts in your mind verbally, which further manifest themselves in your physical…
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Applied Psychology Cultural Psychology

Psychology often focuses on the individual. However, there are cultural applications of psychology. The link between culture and psychology comes in two forms.  Cultural psychology Applied psychology  Cultural Psychology  Cultural psychology focuses on the relationship that exists between the individual…
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Contemporary Psychology

When any given person hears the word “psychology” a variety of ideas might come to their mind. One person may immediately picture a therapist, pen in hand, notebook ready, looking curiously at their patient who is partially reclined on a…
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