Social Science


Surviving the World’s Perfect Storm A high percentage of souls in the world right now are angry, scared, and apprehensive about the future. Anger, fear, and other negative emotions abound everywhere. There seems to be an overwhelming amount of pressure…
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Class Social

My parents are working class and middle class, my children are middle class and I am one of those, like many of my generation, who find it difficult to slot themselves into any class. My parents bought a house on the…
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Freuds Personality Theory

Sigmund Freud, a famous psychologist back in the day (1856-1939, to be more exact), was a revolutionary. He developed several psychological theories, including the theory of the unconscious mind, psychosexual development and numerous complexes. In all of his theories, one…
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Is Feminism still Important

The purpose of feminism differs between the feminist perspectives but most feminists strive to outline the inequality between men and women as well as increase the rights of women. The question is, have we reached a point where gender equailty…
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