Social Science

How are Phobias Treated

A Phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and persistent fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Phobias often result in great panic and anxiety when exposed to the stimulus feared. Different treatments treat different aspedxts of the phobia. Some treatments…
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Archaelogy and Kennewick Man

The Unlimited Hydroplane Races several years brought an archaeological discovery that has changed history. The archaeological discoveries, Kennewick Man, expanded the discussion of Native Americans History. The discovery added to the question of whether Europeans came to the new world…
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Passive Aggression

Passive-aggression refers to subtle, often renounced, resistance or obstructionist behaviours that have multiple causes. While this phenomenon originated as an attempt to classify covert, non-compliant behaviour, it can also be a trait, behaviour or personality disorder. The broader view of…
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Types of Archaeology

Archaeology is the study of human culture through material goods. These goods can include structures, artifacts, and organic material. The specific type of artifact to be examined determines which branch of archeology is best for that situation. There are seven…
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Google Earth Archaeology

Technologies such as Google Earth and its rivals have proved a boon to archaeologists of all types. Many people will argue that sitting at home viewing satellite images is no substitute for going out into the field with notebook and…
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When Agriculture Began

The  actual first beginnings of agriculture started so long ago and in so many places it’s hard to be specific about the precise origins but the following are the probabilities of what created this change in human consumption. Agriculture started…
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