Social Science

Transpersonal Psychology Spectrum Consciousness Wilber

TITLE: ‘The Spectrum of Consciousness’by Ken WilberISBN: 0835-60695-3ISBN 13: 978-0835-60695-0Publisher: Quest Books; Shambhala Publications ‘The Spectrum of Consciousness’ by Ken Wilber drilled through evolutionary ground in transpersonal psychology by presenting an expanded perennial model through which western psychological modalities could…
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Understanding Suicide

Suicidal behaviour can be described like a river running through your community with a dangerous waterfall at the end. If we knew why people ignore the prevention signs in the first place or exactly what causes them to “jump in”,…
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If and why we Fear Death

Death is not a four letter word. Language is fascinating. People have 5 basic senses; sight, sound, touch, taste and smell. Where does language fit in? We use language to communicate our experience of these five basic senses. We communicate…
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