Speaking from a man’s point of view and my experience with woman, I can honestly say that woman are just more open then men. Men are more stimulated by more things that make them laugh and get happy on personal…
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Speaking from a man’s point of view and my experience with woman, I can honestly say that woman are just more open then men. Men are more stimulated by more things that make them laugh and get happy on personal…
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Human factors’, is a phrase most frequently used by politicians and commentators when attempting to account for some otherwise inexplicable situation. How often have we heard explanations that go something like this? “The measures that we put into place would…
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Having confidence is a tricky thing, and with all the suffering in the world, I can see why some would be lacking in this department. With all the images in the media trying to tell us how we should look,…
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When the time comes to let go of the one you love it can be somewhat akin to breaking a habit. It is a bond we know must be broken, something we know must be done but the process can…
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If love is a pie, then romantic love is a slice. Love is an encompassing and generic form. You can love a thing, individuals, groups or God. Romantic love is a bit more specific. It includes attraction and mutual sharing…
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Harvard psychologist Irving Janis coined the term “group-think” in 1972. In his research, Janis examined the public records of various deliberative groups that were both successful and unsuccessful. He determined that the unsuccessful groups typically exhibited an array of features…
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Despite popular opinion and myths, there is not as much difference in the psychological strength of the genders and most people believe. Where such opinions develop is often as a result of observing gender behavioural patterns, when certain actions are…
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sexual personhood I wish my sex was separate from my person.But it’s not. It’s hopelessly intertwined, and this is constantly frustrating. My physical cravings are so overpowering that they usurp my ‘presence’ in the world. And by presence I mean…
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It’s pretty simple to figure out why so many minds think alike. Most human beings are very social and want to belong. Most do not think about why they feel they need to belong or why they want to be…
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The people who complain about everything fill a very important role in our society. It is their job to complain. Without these people we would be prepared to accept mediocrity and not settle for the best.These people are responsible for…
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