
Smells of Autumn

 Many people claim autumn as their favorite season of the year.  Crisp cold nights follow delicious warm days.  Leaves turn trees into a cavalcade of red, yellow, orange, gold, and brown before they tumble merrily to the ground. The smells…
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The Secrets of Graphology

Our handwriting tells tales on us. When we are happy and we want the reader to read every word we are careful writers. Other times we simply write for various reasons, to record dates, ideas, write personal letters and often…
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Visualizing Infinity

Think for a minute of a computer screen. If you magnify the computer screen enough you will see that every image you are seeing of interconnected two dimensional shapes and designs in various colors are made up of thousands of…
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Can we Separate Science from Ideology – Yes

science- from observation, dealing with a body of facts. (Webster’s),partial, ideology-a body of doctrine, guides an individual. (Webster’s),partial.-established society has coined words to establish extra-ordinary circumstances, to live an idea, though learned expressions build community. science in the realm of…
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Top 10 uses of Aviation

Top Ten Uses of Aviation When the Wright Brothers demonstrated the first manned powered flight by an airplane in December 1903, the whole world was ushered into an era of man’s conquest of the air. Wilbur envisioned that their invention…
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