
Ufos are a Fact – Fact

In November 2010, a CBS news team in a helicopter filmed what they believed was a missile launch on the West Coast. It became big news when the Pentagon denied having launched any missiles. Even experts who studied the film…
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The Pencil

This ubiquitous instrument is cheap and always at hand.  It is often given away as promotional items, with companies names printed on its side. What are it’s origins and how do you manage to get the pencil into the centre…
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The Science behind Vcrs

When Sony introduced the first commercially inexpensive VCRs in 1969, the way people watched television was changed forever.  The first video recorder to use reel-to-reel tape was created in 1956 by Ray Dolby and Charles Ginsburg, and prior to this…
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What is Thermal Turbulence

Everyone that flies has occasionally experienced turbulence. This unexpected and unsettling movement of the plane is caused by several factors, but basically it is the result of changing movements in the air, which can happen very suddenly. Planes are very…
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Thermal Turbulence

Turbulence is caused by uneven motion of the air around an airplane- eddies and gusts that hit the plane with varying amounts of force.  There are two kinds of turbulence:  mechanical and thermal.  The two often occur together, adding to…
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Iran Builds a Flying Saucer

Coming on the heels of an official news release stating it had launched a rocket containing a “life capsule,” the government of Iran now boasts it’s built the world’s first working flying saucer. [Official photo] The powers-that-be in Tehran—Iran’s capital—call…
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History of the Compass

Every creation in this world has a history. Things we take for granted in daily life have played a major role in bringing us where we are today. The compass is a valuable instrument used universally in this modern world….
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United States Airspace System

The United States airspace system, or National Airspace System (NAS), is a massive network of airports, equipment, regulations, procedures, services, technical advances, and manpower that serves to protect and control the airspace of the country.  The military also operates under…
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