
Falsification – No

The jury may be out on this one for quite some time. Karl Popper’s notion of falsification does deserve recognition for being the Occam’s razor of modern scientific criterion for credibility, however there are severe proponents and opponents who offer…
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Importance of Science in Society

The place of science in our society should be where almost everything deemed important is, but with the same restrictions. Mistakes start occurring when science is treated as an absolute or as something that is totally unalterable. That same thought…
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How an Atomic Clock Works

Time was once simply measured in astronomical terms, with the passage of the sun recording the passage of time. Surprisingly this can be a relatively accurate method of telling the time. Greater accuracy though occurred through the use of mechanical…
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What is Anthropomorphism

Anthropomorphism is the action of attributing or assigning human motivations, emotions, reasoning ability, or personality to a non-human animal, plant, moving object, inanimate object, or force of nature.  Even abstract concepts can be assigned human personality and conversation. Anthropomorphism can…
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