
Matthew Boulton Biography

Matthew BoultonFellow of the Royal Society1728-1809 Matthew Boulton was an English innovator in the field of metal products manufacturing. He modernised the metal products industry and, with James Watt,developed an improved steam engine that enabled factories and mills to mechanize…
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Paper Airplane Launched into Space

Until now, paper planes have basically been flown in schoolrooms and offices. Sometimes the flight ends in trouble for the would-be aeronautical engineer. But now a milestone in paper airplane flight technology has been achieved: the first paper airplane to…
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About Airbus A380

The Airbus A380 is a new wide-body jet airliner, which is currently the largest passenger jet in service in the world. It is produced in Europe by Airbus, and has been in commercial service since late 2007. The A380 was…
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Astrology is it a Science

Astrology is a controversial topic for many scientists.They often believe that its claims are wrong-headed, dangerous even, and have been disproved. Unfortunately these arguments are scarcely ever based on actual research. There has in fact been very little serious research…
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The Early History of the Airplane

Human beings have always longed to fly. When our early ancestors were gazing at the heavens it’s highly likely that they cast an occasional and envious eye towards the birds soaring above them. History is littered with tales of dreamers…
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Understanding Universal Law

Universal Laws, do they exist and how did they come about? Is there really a Law of Coincidence? Is there really unseen forces or other spiritual laws at work controlling or directing us in some way? For example the Law…
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