Physical Science

Lightyear an Overview

A lightyear is a non-fundamental unit of length or distance equivalent to 9,500,000,000,000,000 meters.It is a much more bigger unit of distance created by scientiststo represent the distance that light travels in one year.Lightyear is the perfect unit,used by astronomers,at…
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Urban Stargazing

Stargazing was once the most simple and accessible of entertainments. Shepherds would peruse the canopy of tiny lights overhead and spin tales of god and goddesses. In rural areas, star gazing is usually as simple as walking out into the…
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Tal X2 Barlow Review

A decent Barlow is an invaluable tool to the astronomer, especially in times where money may be a little tighter than usual. The Barlow is indispensable to the visual observer as well as the astrophotographer. Firstly, for the visual observer…
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Televue Nagler 5mm Review

Televue have spent years crafting quality astronomical equipment to ensure they remain the kings of eyepiece construction. The Nagler series is amongst their finer offerings and while they cannot be considered cheap (at just shy of £200) the unwavering enthusiasm and…
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