Physical Science

Black Holes

Black Holes are truly amazing objects. They were first postulated by Albert Einstien as objects of infinite density. In laymens terms this means that the atoms cannot be squeezed together any further. Density of any object is basically determined by…
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Death on Mars

When astronauts explore Mars they will not survive without special suits to protect them against what is to all intents and purposes a hostile environment. Mars does not have a magnetosphere to protect it from radiation, or meteors and micro…
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Harvest Moon

The full moon conjures up images of witches on broomsticks, ghosts and goblins.  The moon is more than just myth and legends.  Long ago, our ancestors used the moon as a calendar.  They had different names for the moon beginning…
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Astronomy Magazines

In these exciting times for astronomy the number of quality magazines available is increasing. These magazines offer not just feature articles on interesting aspects of the subject, but also advice on telescopes and accessories and fascinating photographs of the cosmos….
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