Physical Science

UFO Sightings

I can never ignore my UFO sighting. It would be the same as rejecting all things which have been actual happenings, a denial, that even I exist. Sane intelligent folk from all walks of life do not ask for condemnation,…
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Alien Species

57 Alien Species. We Are NOT Alone. I believe that Sergeant Stone is telling us what the Government has been trying to cover up for years. I have heard of these different species from time to time from watching television…
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Do Aliens Exist

At the 2001 Disclosure Project conference, Sergeant Clifford Stone, who has worked on top-secret government projects, revealed that 57 alien species have been catalogued. He explained that these species are all humanoid and many of them walk among us. Considering…
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Alein Species

57 Alien species: Are We Alone in the Universe? When Sergeant Clifford Stone made his assertions about this question in a government disclosure project, it was no doubt presented as fact. If it’s not factual, I believe it must be…
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The Planet Vulcan

The planet Mercury is difficult to observe through a telescope, and even dangerous to sight. In the nineteenth century it was harder still. Observers were staring at the magnified blinding sun. They used strong filters, and great caution, but at…
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Dr Stephen Greer and Ufology

Seeing a disc-shaped craft as a child sparked Dr. Stephen M. Greer’s interest in ufology. In 1990 he founded the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research and education in order…
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