We should not Establish Human Life on Mars – No
Should people be allowed to live on Mars? As we exist to day, absolutely not. We have to learn how to take care of our own planet. Why should we be given a chance to make a new start on…
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Should people be allowed to live on Mars? As we exist to day, absolutely not. We have to learn how to take care of our own planet. Why should we be given a chance to make a new start on…
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Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system and is the most interesting, a favorite to watch and view through a standard earthbound telescope.It is about 320 times the mass than Earth and 11 times the diameter. Clouds and…
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Imagine traveling through space and instantly becoming entrapped in nothing and having no chance to escape. How could this be? This must be a dream. What is this phenomenon? While human space travel is not even close to traveling to…
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People should definitely be allowed to live on Mars and anywhere else they can get established and survive simply because that encourages exploration throughout the solar system and hopefully beyond. Should people be sent there to live before initial explorers…
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“It will completely change the future of the human race and may determine whether we have any future at all.” The famed astronomer and author, Stephen Hawking, spoke these words through his computer in a lecture to over two hundred…
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How to observe a lunar eclipse Have you ever watched a lunar eclipse? If, not you have missed a real treat! A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow. This happens when the Sun and Moon…
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The physicist Enrico Fermi was no less enthusiastic in the 1950’s, with the idea of any chance of contact with E. T’s, than any who formed SETI. ‘Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence’. The paradox of Fermi is not that, there is…
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Ancient historical text books and even Indigenous folk have declared there is life out there which – in the form of human – came to earth. Facts are, they had to come from somewhere, and that would be other planets….
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Any one who would to take the time to read a good report on Apollo missions then research the answers with an open mind, then there would be no way they could not believe that we had actually walked on…
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The question of extraterrestrial existence has been asked for many years. Those with a skeptic syndrome have continually denied the possibility, even after seeing the photographic proof from NASA and JPL images. The claims are, “Rock and Shadows” or “just…
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