Physical Science

Interstellar Travel

It wouldn’t be fair or correct to say that manned interstellar travel is impossible without giving a bit of a disclaimer. Saying that something is impossible implies that it can’t be done and never will be done. Since man has…
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About Jupiter

Jupiter, by far the largest planet in the solar system, has captured the attention of astronomers for centuries – because, despite its great distance, it rivals nearby Mars as one of the brightest objects in the night sky, after Venus…
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Sunspot Structure

Sunspots are as a result of intense magnetic field activity, where magnetic field lines criss-cross and tangle with each other, on the surface of the Sun, the photosphere. The development of Sunspots begin way in the centre of the Sun,…
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What is Radio Astronomy

Radioastronomy is a branch of astronomy which looks at the radiowaves emitted from various astronomical objects. Stars, galaxies, pulsars and masers all emit types of radio waves. The discovery of CMBR (Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation) was a major step forward…
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