Physical Science

Solar Eclipse

An astronomical phenomenon that was once revered by cultures and feared by many, a solar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Moon and Planet Earth are in perfect alignment, with the Moon crossing the surface of the Sun, forming a shadow…
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Earth like Planets Found

Although the search for extrasolar planets (planets orbiting other stars) has yielded many scientific curiosities in the form of so-called “hot Jupiters” and super-Earths, the ultimate goal of this research is to find Earth-like planets: rocky planets that are small…
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What is Solar Astronomy

Solar astronomy is the scientific study of the star nearest us, our sun. The word ‘solar’ comes from the Latin word ‘solaris’/’sol’ (‘sun’), and the word ‘astronomy’ comes from the Greek ‘astron’ (star) and ‘nomos’ (law). As nearly as we…
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Solar Eclipse

When, in their eternal movement through the vast wastelands of space, one celestial body comes between two other such bodies, completely or partially obscuring the direct view that would normally exist between the two, we say that there is an…
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