Physical Science

What Pluto really is

On September 23, 1846 the German astronomer, Johann Galle (1812 – 1910), discovered the planet that is now designated Neptune. Galle’s discovery of the planet had come about a result of the work done by the French mathematician, Urbain Leverrier…
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Scientists Warn Solar Katrina

Power outages lasting for months and disrupted global communications are just part of the forecasted “global Katrina” that could push the limits to our ability to adapt in the age of technology. The U.K. Daily Mail ( paints a sobering…
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What is Helium 5

Helium is a monatomic inert gas that is the second least reactive element in nature. (Neon is still less reactive.) It is also one of the least complex elements, having only 2 protons in its nucleus. Helium’s 2 valence electrons…
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Biography of Tesla

Nikola Tesla, is the great “creator” of electricity. He is best known for making marketable use of electricity and even other advances with the use of electricity and electromagnetism, which was a great find at the time and marked a…
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