Physical Science

Is Time Travel possible

Time travel is not only possible but has been successful to a degree. National security abandoned it for obvious reasons, time travel was extremely dangerous and with it being so technical was stopped until a better understanding of procedures could…
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Overview of Superconductivity

In this article, I will discuss the phenomenon of superconductivity, and in particular superfluid helium.  This area of physics belongs historically to the branch of physics which is called low temperature physics.  This is so because it was first discovered during research that…
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Biography James Maxwell

Known for his important contributions in the field of electromagnetism, thermodynamics and optics, James Clerk Maxwell was a Scottish physicists who is considered by his fellow physicists and inventors as the most influential 19th century innovator. Some experts and scientists…
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Two Planets Share two Suns

Since the beginning of time, man has stared at the sky and wondered what the twinkling lights were. The science of Astronomy grew up around this fascination. Today, with the sophisticated telescopes that are available, scientist are able to see…
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The Uncertainty Principle

Classic physics in the 18th Century was revolutionized by Isaac Newton’s laws of motion  where the mass, position, and the motion of celestial bodies were elements of a mechanistic worldview from which all outcomes could be determined. Furthermore, cause and…
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