Physical Science

How a Pulsar is Created

Astronomers identify pulsars as rapidly rotating, highly magnetized, extremely dense distant stars that emit beams of electromagnetic radiation in the form of x-rays or radio waves, seen here on Earth as visible bursts or pulses of energy. Stellar investigators can…
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Defining Thermodynamics

Defining thermodynamics NOTHING can be more important than the development of thermodynamics during the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th and early 19th centuries in Europe, at least, from a scientist’s point view. From James Watt to Carnot, from Eric…
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Nuclear Fusion Bombs

Nuclear fusion is the process of two nuclei joining together to form a heavier nucleus. It is accompanied by the release or absorption of energy. The fusion of Deuterium and tritirium to produce helium is the reaction that is constantly…
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What is Graphene

On October 5th, 2010, it was announced that two UK-based scientists had been awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for their work on graphene, which has been described as a ‘wonder material’. But what is graphene? Graphene is a complex…
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