Physical Science

Displaced in Time

There is too much evidence, both tangible and anecdotal, that time travel is possible. There are different forms of time travel that allow people to either interact with people and things or just be observers. Take for instance the subject…
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Hyperlight Physics

When I designed a fission/fusion reactor in 1977, I thought for sure we would have fusion power by the end of the 20th century. My reactor uses a fission reactor to produce the particles needed to change hydrogen into heavy…
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Proof of Antimatter

The very first proof for the existence of antimatter came in the 1920s through the work of British physicist Paul Dirac. In his attempts to make Einstein’s special relativity principle agree with the rules of quantum mechanics – a mathematical…
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Book Reviews Web of Life Physics Capra

TITLE: The Web of Lifeby Fritjof CapraISBN: 0385-47675-2ISBN 13: 978-0385-47675-1Publisher: Doubleday “Molecular biologists have discovered the fundamental building blocks of life, but this has not helped them to understand the vital integrative actions of living organisms.”-Fritjof Capra, ‘The Web of…
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