Physical Science

How Atoms Work

The Standard Model is the term given to our representation of the structure of the atom. We understand that the atom is comprised of a nucleus composed of finer particles called neutrons and protons which have a neutral and positive…
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How Mood Rings Work

Mood rings are rings that show different colors and those colors correspond to the certain emotion you are feeling, or so people say. In the 1970s, they were all the rage. They were invented by Joshua Reynolds and these rings…
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Chemical Warfare Agents

Chemical weapons fall into four general categories: choking agents, blistering agents, blood agents, and organophosphate nerve agents. Choking agents, which were extensively employed during World War I, are gasses like chlorine and phosgene. In today’s world, these agents really are…
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Atoms an Overview

The story of the atom begins over two thousand years ago in ancient Greece, when the philosopher Democritus first postulated that matter is made up of fundamental building blocks that cannot be split apart. He called these blocks “atoms”, which…
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Atoms an Overview

Atoms are composed of three basic subatomic particles. The proton, neutron, and electron. I think of etymology when I have to learn new science terms. The etymology of proton is like “pro” or “for”, like if you’re “pro” on a…
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