Physical Science

What Dna Stands for

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is made up of nucleotides (phosphate esters of nucleosides), consisting of a 5-carbon sugar, attached to a phosphate at the 5′ carbon, and a base at the 1′ carbon. The bases include the pyrimidines cytosine, and thymine,…
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How to Make Iron

Making Iron The simplest way of making iron is with the so-called Catalan forge named after the Catalan district in Spain Although the basics of the process has been known for thousands of years. In this method the iron ore,…
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The Basics about Fireworks

The dictionary defines fireworks, also termed pyrotechnics, as manufactured chemicals designed to make a loud and brilliant explosion when lit. That hardly does justice to the awe they inspire in young and old alike. We never outgrow the fascination of…
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