Physical Science

Radioactive Decay

In the world of nuclear physics, there are numerous methods of radioactive decay which an element can undergo.  Each of these has different implications for the element and its surroundings.  These different types of decay can explain why multiple instances…
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Radiant Energy

Radiation energy, or radiation, refers to any form of energy propagated as rays, waves or a stream of particles. The term usually applies to light or other electromagnetic waves but can also be used to describe sound waves, water waves…
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Electric Voltage and Current

Voltage and current: two fundamental principles of the physics of electricity. Since the fathers of electrical science discovered current electricity, man has sought ways to explain its properties. In this article, we will explore the concepts of electric current and…
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Time as a Function of Motion

After thousands of years of scientific and philosophical assessments regarding Time, Aristotle’s original observation that “Time is the measure of change” still gives to us the simple knowledge that Time and motion are inextricably bound together within our awareness. In…
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