Physical Science

UFO Meeting

If UFO stands for Unidentifiable Frying Objects, it is way too late to be thinking about prevention! These hamburgers are killing us! But, well, you know, it is the Unidentified Flying objects that we refer to by the shortened “UFO.”…
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The first Big Project

The Mercury Project is the very beginning of man traveling into space. It was this project that made the term” Astronaut” a household word. They came up with the word as a variation to the balloonist who were called Argonauts…
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The Mercury Space Program

Six days after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was created on October 1, 1958, The Mercury Program came into being. NASA was created in response to the Soviet Union’s October 4, 1957 launch of the satellite Sputnik. The…
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Facts about Neptune

Neptune, the eighth most-distant planet in the solar system, is unique: its existence was first calculated mathematically, before it was ever located by astronomers. As the last of the gas giants, it is now the farthest planet in the solar…
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