Physical Science

Old Datanew Model

To begin a search for a Theory of Everything there must be a starting point. Just, maybe, this little essay could furnish a starting point. OLD DATA/NEW MODEL Reversing the century old interpretation of the Michelson-Morley Experiment and renaming Planck’s…
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What are Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are constantly pummeling Earth with extremely high energies. Luckily, our atmosphere stops almost all of this damaging radiation. Gamma rays were discovered by French Physicist Paul Villard in 1900 while doing research on radiation emitted from the element…
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Theory for a Lunar Base

N.A.S.A. has a tradition of producing disposable space exploration items at very high cost. Russian space transporters will take U.S. astronauts to the space station for several years before the Orion spacecraft gets off the ground. N.A.S.A. budget problems are…
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Biography Yuri Gagarin

Yuri A. Gagarin (1934-1968) Colonel, former Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin came from humble beginnings. Born on a collective farm, March 9, 1934 100 miles west of Moscow, he was the third of four children. His father worked as a carpenter, cabinetmaker,…
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