Physical Science

Legends about Mars

For centuries the planet Mars has captivated people’s imaginations. Ancient and modern societies have wondered at its fiery and mysterious beauty. Many ancient cultures included Mars into their astrological charts believing that it’s position and movement as well as the…
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The Facts about Cosmic Rays

Space Data Warns of Sun’s Vibrational Effects on Earth “Posner’s technique reduces the odds of exposure by more than 20 per cent compared with current methods, allowing astronauts to venture further from their outpost,” says Francis Cucinotta, chief scientist for…
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How Telescopes Work

Launched on August 25, 2003 from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the Spitzer Telescope has provided infrared observations of objects as close as our solar system and as far away as the most distant reaches of the observable universe. Now celebrating its…
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Chemical Reactions

There are 117 elements, these can combine to create thousands of compounds and yield chemical reactions, lots of them. Lucky for the sake of our brains, there are only six main chemical reactions that are essential. The following chemical reactions…
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