Physical Science

Who are Britons Astronauts

British Astronauts: Britain’s newest astronaut was announced recently, as Major Timothy Peake, a veteran helicopter test pilot in the British Army. The 37-year-old was chosen for ESA’s Astronaut Corps, along with two Italians, a Frenchman, a German, and a Dane….
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How the Universe was Formed

The infinite cosmos……………………………………………… ? The greatest mystery of ever, for it is a matter of thinking infinitely, which means there is no end to anything. So is it possible to say that there was also no beginning? Would anyone accept…
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UFO Technology

UFOs have not advanced technically for decades at least. In some cases, they have stayed the same for milleniums. Take the classic saucer or cigar-shaped UFOs. They have been seen and recorded since ancient times. It could be that the…
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How Stars are Born

When we look up at the night sky, we rarely think about the technical aspects of the formation of our universe. We see stars, and sometimes planets and comets, and just think that they are simply beautiful. However, when we…
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Nibiru The Red Winged Planet Is a planet called Nibiru hurtling towards Earth? Our understanding of the universe and how it works is being discovered daily. To say for sure if a planet fitting the description of Nibiru exists or…
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