Physical Science

How the Universe Began

Since the dawn of science, there have been a wide variety of naturalistic theories proposed to explain how the universe began. These stand in addition to earlier creationist, religious, and mythological accounts of the origins of the universe and of…
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Jupiter Basic Facts

I. IntroductionIn recent years, human interest in the space beyond our solar system has increased drastically due to endeavors such as the Hubble Space Telescope, the International Space Observatory, and the launch of the Cassini probe. Much of that interest…
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Stephen Hawking Opposes Seti

Most critics of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) suggest merely that it is a well-intentioned but foolish waste of money, chasing after radio signals sent by “little green men” while substantive research projects with tangible results go unfunded. However,…
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What is Darwinism

What is darwinism? Perhaps, the best place to start is with the man. Charles Robert Darwin, was born 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire, England; and died 19 April 1882, his mortal remains interred at Westminster Abbey. Darwin has been…
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Extraterrestrial Life Fact or Fiction

Since time immemorial, humankind has debated the possibility that life could exist outside of our own planet. As our knowledge has improved through technological developments so has curiosity deepened about the cosmos. Extraterrestrial literally means life not originating on Earth. Keeping an open…
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Charles Darwin Theory

Best known as author of the 1859 scientific text “On the Origin of Species (by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life)”, Charles Darwin has become a controversial fixture in discussion and…
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