Physical Science

What is Time

“The only reason for time is so that everything doesn’t happen at once.” Einstein Time is an increment of measure devised by human beings to describe a rate of change (a ratio of motion described by one object in relationship…
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Basic Kinematics Equations

When studying kinematics (the study of motion) it is important to know a few essential mathematical equations. These equations can be further developed by the use of variable substitution, as well as other mathematical operations. When taking advanced physics courses,…
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What is Carbon Dating

Radio-Carbon Dating Explained: Carbon dating is a radiometric dating method, which uses Carbon -14 (a naturally occurring radioactive isotope of carbon). This method can be used to date carbonaceous materials (substances which are rich in carbon), by using applied physics…
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What is Gravity

Gravity is the force that holds our solar system together. Without it, planets would simply float off into space, remaining un-deviated until they collide with another body. The detailed study of gravity began with Galileo, who was the first to…
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