Where Ufos come from
UFOs are of an invisible world. In an invisible world, UFOs come out of the blue or black sky and disappear the same way, into a void. Here follows a clear cut story about two UFOs seen during the day….
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UFOs are of an invisible world. In an invisible world, UFOs come out of the blue or black sky and disappear the same way, into a void. Here follows a clear cut story about two UFOs seen during the day….
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We’ve just about all seen them. The Star Trek episodes where the space travelers retire to their luxurious suites and not only retire but also “entertain” on their soft, comfy beds. This has made more than one fellow wish for…
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Astronauts sleep while in space, but can you imagine a restless sleeper in a zero gravity environment? Zero gravity means the astronauts aren’t concerned with finding a comfortable position. There isn’t any up or down beyond earth’s gravity well, so…
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The famous blue bottle experiment a visually dramatic way to teach reduction-oxidation (redox) chemistry. Students from grade school to grad school find this reaction memorable and it is considered a classic staple in chemical demonstration shows. A half-full bottle of…
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Were you ever taught, My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas? Well now it’s been changed, you may want to learn this new one: My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nachos. The p is gone in the…
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Origins and Use of the Kelvin Temperature Scale Humankind is constantly seeking to improve its understanding of the fundamental properties of nature. As a result of this curiosity, mankind has devised numerous methods of taking quantitative measurements. As the years…
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There Never was Nothing / Nothing was Never there There is something that the human brain cannot and will never understand. As much as we try and theorize and simplify, the idea of eternity and infinity is something we cannot…
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Carbon is the fourth most common element in the universe, behind hydrogen, helium and oxygen respectively, and is also the basis of all forms of life on earth. The name carbon comes from the Latin word Carbo, meaning coal, which…
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The doorbell is a funny thing. It’s always there, but you never think about it until something calls your attention to it – usually, the bell. Nitrogen is much the same. After all, it’s all around you. Roughly 78% of…
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Helium, the second element in the periodic table also the second lightest element and the second most common in the universe, has a number of uses. Despite being common in the universe Earth’s atmosphere contains only 0.0005% of the element….
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