Defining Pluto
My definition of Pluto – Pluto is a “GIANT SNOWBALL” I say it is because dwarf planet is still a planet and an unacceptable name for something that is not a planet. Dwarf planet means small planet. How can you…
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My definition of Pluto – Pluto is a “GIANT SNOWBALL” I say it is because dwarf planet is still a planet and an unacceptable name for something that is not a planet. Dwarf planet means small planet. How can you…
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One of the joys of astronomy is the opportunity to view the spectacular, alien objects strewn throughout the universe. Nebulae are one of the more awe inspiring of these. The term nebulae means ‘cloud’ but in astronomy it can refer…
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All The Stars Disappeared At the age of 9 from the premises of Kennedy Space Center I witnessed the most spectacular non-destructive man made event in history-the launch of a Saturn V at night. As Apollo 17, the last mission…
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An asteroid is a small solar system body which has no atmosphere, is smaller than a planet, and orbits the sun. Most of the known asteroids in our solar system are located in an asteroid belt between the orbits of…
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How do Astronauts Sleep? We don’t mean to get personal but we want to know how Astronauts sleep while swirling around in space? Do they snap themselves into some kind of wall hookup, or roll themselves up into cocoons, or…
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The “Big Bang” theory has been widely accepted for many years. What I would like to know is, why? Why do people so strongly hold to this theory even though there has been no evidence that verifies it as fact,…
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“The problem with Einstein’s paradox is that it doesn’t fold in biology-specifically, space radiation and the biology of aging,” says Frank Cucinotta, NASA’s chief scientist for radiation studies at the Johnson Space Center. Lots of research has gone into the…
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The Long Count calendar used by the Mayan people in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica “turns over” in the year 2012. Some have taken this to mean that the Mayans believed that the world would end on that date. However, there is no…
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The Big Bang is a theory that explains how the universe expanded from a single point. The Big Band occurred 13.7 billion years ago. All the matter, energy, and light; were all compacted into an infinitely dense point. The universe…
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Pluto has always been my favorite planet. Yeah, yeah, I know that for the moment, according to the International Astronomical Union, Pluto isn’t technically a planet but a minor planet. The reasons given for declassifying this enigma of the solar…
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