Physical Science

How a Breathalyser Works

When a breathalyzer test is administered, the subject breaths into the device, where any ethanol in the breath becomes involved in a redox reaction with acidified potassium dichromate(VI) K2Cr2O7. Any alcohol is oxidized into ethanoic acid. Orange Cr(VI) is reduced…
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What is Hafnium

Two dozen years before halfnium was discovered and identified, its existence was already predicted by Dmitri Mendeleev. The same Russian scientist also predicted that this element will have properties that are similar to another metallic element, the zirconium. In the…
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What Makes up Matter

Matter is a tangible, touchable substance that can be seen, touched, tasted, and felt.  Matter is opposed to the intangibles that exist because of the interactions with other forces of nature. In educational studies, dependent upon the course of study,…
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Chemistry of Fireworks

The creation of a beautiful fireworks display is the result of both science and art. Fireworks require at a minimum: fuel, an oxygen producer, color producer and binder to hold everything where it should be, in addition to propellants and…
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